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5 Reasons Your Baby Keeps Waking Up At Night

Featured Image: @isabellaoliver

Does your baby keep waking up at night? Has your baby never slept through the night?

Sleepless nights are to be expected when you have a baby, however, it shouldn’t happen every single night.

Sleep is incredibly important for your sanity and wellbeing as well as for your baby.

There are a couple of reasons why your baby might not be able to sleep through the night.

How To Stop A Baby Waking Up At Night Out Of Habit

First we need to find what the culprit is. Let’s look at a couple of common reasons why babies wake up at night.


Lack of a Routine

Do you not have a night routine for your baby? Consistency is key when trying to get your baby to sleep at night.

When trying to create a bedtime routine for your baby, observe when your baby is naturally sleepy and work with their internal clock.

If your baby gets tired around 8 P.M., make the night time routine around 7:30 with a warm bath, lullaby and a feeding.

Even if you think your baby is too young for a bedtime routine, creating the habit can help avoid headaches later on.

Your Baby Could Be Teething

Teething tends to be the most common reason babies wake up in the middle of the night.

It’s sometimes hard to figure out because you can’t actually see the teeth.

A couple of signs of teething can be less appetite, red cheeks, and even a runny nose. If you suspect teething can be the culprit, consider purchasing a teething necklace or asking your pediatrician about baby tylenol if you baby sounds like they’re in a lot of pain.

Separation Anxiety

“My baby cries at night when I leave the room”

Babies have yet to grasp what object permanence is, meaning they don’t understand that something (or someone) continues to exist even if they can’t see it.

Fir that reason, a baby might wake up and start crying because they’re scared they can’t see you. They don’t understand you’re in the room next door and that causes them to go into a mini-panic.

One of the best things you can do is set your baby down when they are sleepy and not yet asleep. If they see you leave, versus falling asleep in your arms and then waking alone, they might be less inclined to start crying and actually go back to sleep on their own.

Your Baby Is Sick

There could be medical reasons a baby won’t sleep, especially if your baby keeps waking up after 30 minutes. If it seems like your baby is waking up in pain, it could be a couple of things.

Check your babies temperature for a fever. Unfortunately, ear and forehead thermometers aren’t the most accurate for a baby, so take the temperature rectally.

It could also be an ear infection. If your baby seems to be pulling at or putting their fingers inside their ears a lot, it could be signs of discomfort. Also, if your baby doesn’t want to nurse on one side, it can be a sign of an infection. Take your baby to a pediatrician to be completely sure and pick up a prescription.

Check the Room Temperature

Remember, your baby is not able to put on or take of their blankets. Could the room be too warm or cold?

Check to see if your baby is sweating or feel sticky. Or perhaps their nose and hands are cold.

Set a comfortable temperature, if your baby still appears to get warm/cold then get a light blanket or a thicker swaddle


Are any of these the reason your baby can’t sleep through the night? What have you done to help your baby fall asleep and stay asleep longer? Leave a comment or email us at [email protected]

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How to stop baby waking up at night! Find out the reasons your baby can't stay asleep through the night! How to stop baby waking at night out of habit Baby cries at night when I leave the room. Baby keeps waking up after 30 minutes, find out WHY! Medical reasons baby won't sleep. #baby #newmom #momtips

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Why isn't my baby sleeping?! How to stop baby waking up at night! Find out the reasons your baby can't stay asleep through the night! How to stop baby waking at night out of habit Baby cries at night when I leave the room. Baby keeps waking up after 30 minutes, find out WHY! Medical reasons baby won't sleep. #baby #newmom #momtips