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While we don’t have complete control over how and where we gain weight while pregnant, there are certain ways to try and keep our weight gain in the healthy range.
Mandatory Disclaimer: A belly only pregnancy shouldn’t be your primary concern. You want to stay active so you can have a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. If you gain a little more weight than you’d like, that’s just how it goes.
During your first trimester, you can expect to gain between 1 and 5 pounds. During your second and third trimester, that goes up to about 1 to 2 pounds per week.
There are ways to help you avoid gaining an unhealthy amount of weight and stay lean during your pregnancy.
How To Stay Lean During Pregnancy
Move Your Body
During your first trimester, you’re not feeling like yourself. Your body is going through some BIG changes and your hormones are all over the place.
Don’t worry, you’ll be back to ‘normal’ in your second trimester. But during these first few months, you’ll want to try and stay active.
If you don’t feel well enough to knock out a regular workout, go for a nice long walk.
There are some fitness watches for as cheap as $30 that will help you hit your daily step goal.
Walking is an extremely underrated exercise. It has many benefits, especially for pregnant mama’s, such as reducing water retention, keeping your heart and muscles strong, and even promotes a shorter, easier labor.
If you feel up for it, consider running as well. It’s a great calorie burner and way to stay in shape during your pregnancy. Just make sure to run indoors if it’s too hot out, as it’s easy to overheat when pregnant.
Eating For Two
Although it’s true you’re eating for two, you don’t have to double your calories while pregnant.
It might seem easy to gorge as your cravings are all over the place, but try eating smaller portions (and less fat versions) of what you’re craving.
For example, if you’re craving brownies, try these that are a high protein, low carb option that’ll help fight the craving. There are healthy options for everything nowadays!
Also, be aware that you don’t need a lot of extra calories. A pregnant woman in her third trimester only needs about an extra 500 calories a day, so you shouldn’t feel like you have to overeat.
Always listen to your bodies cues and signals to figure out when to eat and when to stop.
Have A Protein Shake
Having a high quality protein shake during the day is a great way to keep your blood sugar leveled and fight off cravings.
Experts suggest you add 25 grams of protein a day while pregnant, so this is a great way to guarantee you’re getting enough.
Also, it’s a good way to supplement your workouts and even build (or maintain) your muscle mass, which will help you lose the baby weight quicker postpartum.
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Mix It Up
During pregnancy, especially your third trimester, you might not be feeling quite like yourself. It’s especially important to keep yourself busy and try new activities.
Even if you’ve never done a yoga class, why not try it? Mix it up and see what you likes.
It helps to try new things that will get your mind off how uncomfortable you are.
Getting out of the house and keeping busy is a great way to keep your mood up, stay lean, and even help combat postpartum depression.
Are you trying to stay lean and healthy during your pregnancy? What are your best tips for having a belly only pregnancy? Comment below or send us an email at [email protected]
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