Separation in marriage is the start of a painful period of transition. You’re losing a bond you had with someone you’ve shared large parts of your life with.
You’re making huge changes to a world where your partner once played a central role. And it’s even worse if you don’t really want to separate!
But not all cases of separation end in divorce. Sometimes, couples find a way to make it through the period of uncertainty and back to each other.
If that’s something that you want, you’ll be trying to see if your husband feels the same way.
Here are some tell-tale signs your separated husband wants you back…
Feeling Like You’ll Never Come Back From This?
You don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom to start improving your relationship. If you are serious about fixing your marriage and avoiding a divorce, take a second to look into Regain.
Regain offers licensed therapists who specialize in couples counseling and will work directly with you and your spouse online; anytime and from anywhere.
Just read this review that perfectly sums up what they can do for you:
“My husband and I have talked about couples counseling and as frequency in arguments increased, we knew we had to figure something out before we headed for divorce. Cost of counseling was prohibitive so we’re glad we found Regain. I had my reservations about being virtually matched to a counselor because I’ve independently gone through 3 counselors and 2 of them made me feel like a dollar sign to them. Gretchen is by far the most capable counselor I’ve worked with. She is respectful, engaged, and very capable. This is my husband’s first experience with therapy and he had doubts/hesitation but opened right up to her, as did I. We’re only 3 sessions in but after each session, my husband and I hug and kiss and are enlightened. This is due to Gretchen’s skills in navigating our conversations and probing underlying issues with thoughtful questions. She also smiles here and there, encouraging us – important to feel that connection virtually.“
Serious about saving or improving your relationship?
CLICK HERE to answer a short quiz and see if Regain is right for you
Signs Your Separated Husband Wants You Back
He Wants To Know About Your Wellbeing

If your separated husband asks about your wellbeing, that’s a sign that your husband wants you back. He doesn’t want to move on. He wants to stay deeply connected to you and your emotions.
Of course, this doesn’t refer to casual small talk statements before a change in the subject! Instead, this is about a man whose concern about you becomes the center of any conversation you have with him.
He wants to know how you’re holding up, expresses a genuine care for you, and has lots of empathy for your welfare.
He Stays Involved With Your Loved Ones
When a spouse wants to permanently separate from their partner, they usually sever all ties as quickly and reasonably as possible.
So if your separated husband has maintained friendships, connections, and interactions with your family and friends, that’s a good sign.
He’s doing this because he wants to show that you’re important to him. He doesn’t want to lose the ties he has to you. He wants to stay on the good side of those you care about – and maybe ask for their help and advice.
Basically, he wants to be in their good books as he makes his way back to you!
He Asks For Advice From You
As a married couple, you took advice from each other and cared about the other’s opinion. Now that you’re separated, that dynamic should’ve fallen apart – but it hasn’t. He keeps wanting to hear your advice!
This proves that your separated husband continues to deeply value your opinions. He goes to you because he trusts you, and he can’t find that kind of trustworthiness anywhere else.
He still views you both as a team – and he wants to bring that team back together!
He’s Drunk Dialing And Texting
Have you been on the receiving end of late-night drunk dials from your separated husband? Or have you checked your phone in the morning to see confusing texts that he sent at three in the morning?
These kinds of interactions are a huge sign that he’s not over you!
It’s even better if the content of these calls or texts indicates that he misses you or wants you back. Don’t be quick to brush them off as silly untruths from an intoxicated brain.
Research has actually shown that drunk texters and dialers mean the things that they say during those moments!
He’d Drop Anything To Help You
Does your separated husband always seem ready to provide assistance in any possible way? Well, that’s a pretty clear sign that he wants you back!
Whenever you mention anything mildly inconvenient, he’s offering his assistance. He’ll pop by the house to fix your sink. He’ll buy a grocery item you forgot and bring it to you. He’ll pick you up when you’re stranded.
He shows himself as someone you can rely on, almost like he’s trying to “sell” you the idea of getting back together!
He Asks About Your Love Life
If your separated husband keeps checking in on your love life, it’s because he’s making sure you’re still available.
He might need time to get himself sorted out before trying to reconcile with you. But he still wants to make sure that your dating life is open enough for him to fit!
This is even more obvious of a sign if he gets jealous when you mention your romantic interests. If you play your cards right, you could make him jealous enough to make a move more quickly!
He Keeps Making Excuses To Meet And Be Around You
He wants to see you all the time. He keeps making excuses to drop by your place or meet for a drink.
And when you do meet up, he seems to want to prolong your time together. As far as signs go, this is pretty obvious.
If these things describe your separated husband, he definitely wants you back!
He Gives You Compliments That Verge On Flirtation
Compliments don’t necessarily need to have romantic or sexual intent. But if your separated husband has been really laying it on thick lately, he might want you back.
He may be reverting back to your early dating days and trying to court you all over again. If you want him, too, flirt back and see what happens!
In general, if your memories with a separated partner bring more joy than sadness, it’s a good sign of reconciliation.
So when he starts bringing up these happy memories so you can reminisce positively, that’s a big step!
He wants you to laugh together and to remember that you’ve had more good times than bad ones.
He wants to show you that you’ve been a great couple and should continue to be one. It’s all part of his efforts to rekindle what you once had!
He’s Been Making Efforts To Show You That He’s Bettering Himself
Anyone can learn and grow from a past relationship. That’s healthy and normal.
But if your separated husband wants you to fully know that he’s changed for the better, he might want you back!
This is especially true if you initiated the separation or if his actions played a big part in the separation.
He recognizes that he needs to grow and change if he wants the relationship to survive.
So that’s exactly what he’s doing: he’s working on himself so he can win you back!
There are many reasons that a married couple may separate, and not all separations have to be permanent.
Sometimes, they’re necessary breaks that give both partners a chance to grow, learn, and reflect.
As such, if you’d like to reconcile, pay attention to the signs that your husband might want you back!
Need Extra Help?
If you feel like you and hit rock bottom are serious about fixing your marriage and avoiding a divorce, take a second to look into Regain.
Regain offers licensed therapists who specialize in couples counseling and will work directly with you and your spouse online; anytime and from anywhere.
Serious about saving or improving your relationship?
CLICK HERE to answer a short quiz and see if Regain is right for you.
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