If you are looking for some unique and amazing country girl names then you are in the right place because these southern girl names are just perfect for any southern belle!
The country girl names here reflect the femininity and heritage of the South.
This 250+ extensive list of country girl names are here to help you to select a name that reflect your Southern roots, love for countryside, and just make you to feel proud.
With any one of these beautiful names, your baby is sure to have something unique, classic, and truly Southern for the rest of his or her life.
From cute names like Abigail, Kearney, and Adeline.
To modern names like Adelaide, Anita, and Ava.
To classic names like Dolly, melia, Archibald, Arthur, and Austin.
Theses country southern girl names are sure to speak to your soul!
In order to help you to choose the best female country names, here you will find the cute country girl names, modern country girl names, classic southern girl names, rare country girl names, old country girl names and more!
What Are Some Country-Southern Girl Names

The South of the United States has a vast and rich history. It is comprised of 16 states, the most popular being Alabama, Texas, and The Carolinas.
Southern girl names refer to the geographic and cultural area in the Southern United States, but doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the South.
The South refers more to States that fought for the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, and isn’t specific of it’s geographic location necessarily.
Southern names have a lot of charm and personality of their own!
If you are looking for some unique and gorgeous Country girl names for your bundle of joy, we’ve got you covered with over 200 beautiful Southern names…
200+ Cute Country Southern Girl Names Ideas
Abigail | Kaylee |
Adeline | Kearney |
Addison | Kelly |
Alice | Kennedy |
Allison | Kendall |
Amelia | Kinsley |
Anna | Kit |
Ariana | Kristen |
Audrey | Kylie |
Autumn | Layla |
Ava | Laurel |
Avery | Leah |
Bailey | Libby |
Banks | Lila |
Barbara | Lilia |
Beatrice | Lily |
Bee | Lindsey |
Bella | Lola |
Betsy | Lorelei |
Birdie | Lottie |
Bizzy | Louise |
Blair | Lucille |
Bonnie | Lucy |
Bridget | Luna |
Brielle | Lydia |
Brittany | Mabel |
Brooklyn | Macie |
Camila | Madeline |
Caroline | Madison |
Celia | Mae |
Charlotte | Maia |
Chloe | Mamie |
Claire | Margot |
Clara | Marie |
Clementine | Marissa |
Colleen | Maya |
Cora | Meredith |
Cricket | Mia |
Daisy | Millie |
Dakotah | Molly |
Danielle | Nancy |
Daphne | Natalie |
Darla | Nicole |
Dawn | Nina |
Deborah | Nellie |
Delilah | Nora |
Delia | Olivia |
Della | Olive |
Diana | Ophelia |
Dorothy | Paisley |
Dylan | Patricia |
Edie | Pauline |
Effie | Penelope |
Eleanor | Pepper |
Eliana | Peyton |
Elise | Phoebe |
Eliza | Piper |
Elizabeth | Polly |
Ella | Poppy |
Ellie | Quinn |
Elloit | Rachel |
Eloise | Riley |
Emilia | Rebecca |
Emily | Regan |
Emery | Reese |
Emma | Robyn |
Erica | Rory |
Esther | Rosalie |
Eva | Rose |
Evelyn | Rowan |
Faith | Ruby |
Fara | Ruth |
Faye | Ruthie |
Felicity | Sadie |
Finley | Sailor |
Fiona | Samantha |
Florence | Sarah |
Flo | Savannah |
Frances | Sawyer |
Gabrielle | Scarlett |
Genevieve | Shelby |
Georgia | Skylar |
Gemma | Sloane |
Gianna | Sophia |
Gillian | Sofia |
Giselle | Stella |
Floria | Stephanie |
Grace | Stevie |
Greer | Summer |
Gretchen | Susan |
Grey | Sydney |
Hadlee | Tabitha |
Haley | Taryn |
Hannah | Tatum |
Harper | Taylor |
Harriett | Tina |
Hattie | Tinley |
Hazel | Thea |
Heidi | Tessa |
Helen | Tracey |
Heather | Tristan |
Holly | Tinsley |
Imogene | Tyra |
Iris | Uma |
Ira | Valarie |
Isabella | Vanessa |
Isla | Vera |
Ivory | Vicky |
Ivy | Victoria |
Jane | Violet |
Janet | Viola |
Jill | Virginia |
Jemma | Vivien |
Jenny | Wanda |
Jessica | Waverley |
Jolie | Willa |
Josephine | Willow |
Jordyn | Wilma |
Judy | Winnie |
Julia | Whitney |
Juliet | Wren |
June | Xenia |
Katherine | Yael |
Kathleen | Zara |
Katie | Zelda |
Kasey | Zoey |
Modern Country Girl Names
Here’s the list of all the fancy Southern baby names for girls:
Adelaide | Itzel |
Alexandria | Ivy |
Alinda | Jolene |
Annalee | Josie |
Anita | Juniper |
Ava | Kay |
Azalea | Laura |
Belle | Loretta |
Betsy | Louella |
Birdie | Mae |
Callie | Magnolia |
Camellia | Monroe |
Chantilly | Myrtle |
Cora | Nellie |
Charlene | Nora |
Clarice | Odette |
Dahlia | Priscilla |
Daphne | Prudence |
Dianne | Raelynn |
Dixie | Reese |
Ellison | Rylee |
Elora | Sadie |
Felicia | Savannah |
Florence | Sutton |
Gemma | Tabitha |
Genia | Tallulah |
Georgia | Vivian |
Harper | Whitney |
Classic Souther Girl Names
Annamae | Hank | Maribelle |
Barbara | Hunter | Preston |
Beau | Jolene | Travis |
Betty | Loretta | Waylon |
Old-Fashioned Southern Names For Girls
Abigail | Alice | Betsy |
Caroline | Colleen | Dorothy |
Eleanor | Gladys | Irene |
Lorraine | Meredith | Victoria |
What Are Southern Girl Names Inspired By?
A lot of Southern-inspired girl names have the following characteristics:
A lot of them come from nature. You’ll see a lot of names like like Willow and Daisy. These names are popular as they are incredibly feminine.
A lot of these names are also a node to history. Many Southern belles are named after Civil War battles like Harper. These names are still feminine and delicate regardless of their origin.
A lot of the names are also inspired by Southern states and cities. You’ll meet a lot of Charlottes and Georgia’s in the south.
A lot are old-fashioned names that just don’t go out of style. A lot of these names go back to early 1500’s like Victoria and Margaret.
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The Importance of a Name
When having a baby, there is a lot of pressure on new parents to name their child just right. Some families even expect a newborn baby to be named after a relative.
Even picking the perfect middle name can be challenging for new moms!
This is especially true in Southern families where tradition is highly regarded.
If you feel pressured to name your baby ‘just right’ or make your family happy, just remember this is YOUR baby and the only people that need to be happy are you and your husband.
Take the time to decide on the baby name that makes the two of you happy and let go of expectations from family and friends.