Looking for a FREE Christmas Printable Wishlist that doubles as a coloring page?!
I have created this adorable Christmas coloring page that is cute, fun, and memorable…
The holidays have to be my favorite time of the year, without a sliver of a doubt.
Everything from the decorations, the gifts, to the smell! Ugh, give me all the fir trees, candles, and cinnamon (preferably in a bun haha).
But all of that takes second-place to the time I spend with my family over the Holidays.
I adore the time I sit down with my daughters and make some Christmas crafts!
We normally pop in a classic Christmas movie and just have a great afternoon together filled with laughs and creative messes.
One mess-free activity you can partake in, however, is coloring pages!
Plus, you have to get your Christmas wishlist ready for Santa!
So. I have created this adorable Christmas Wishlist Printable that is completely FREE! You just have to click download below.
Free Christmas Wish List Printable For Santa
Don’t forget to keep it after the Holidays are over!
Years from now, when your kids are grown and don’t even believe in Santa, these letters to Santa will warm your heart.
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